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Expert Tips & Wisdom

Key Points about Asthma Medications

by Joseph Inglefield, MD
There are two general classifications of asthma medications including long-term control medications and quick-relief medications. Quick-acting bronchodilators are used for symptom relief and as a p... More...

Will a Child Get Asthma If One or Both Parents Have It?

by Joseph Inglefield, MD
Your baby will not necessarily have asthma or allergies. However, a child is more likely to develop asthma or allergies if one parent has either; the risk is greater if both parents have allergy or as... More...

Thoughts on COPD

by Joseph Inglefield, MD
For thousands of people, living with a chronic breathing problem is something that they don’t have to put up with because we can often diagnose the cause of the breathing problems. Chronic breat... More...