Medication Diary (Pill Card)

A Medication Diary can be helpful tool for tracking your medications and sharing important information with doctors, family members and other health care providers.

Be sure to keep this record up-to- date, and to keep a copy with you at all times, as well as a copy at home.


By providing your doctor with this completed record during each of your appointments, you are ensuring that they are able to properly prescribe medications for you.

Taking Your Medication Properly

In order for medications to work properly they must be taken correctly. Many things can affect how medications work:


Some foods impact the effectiveness or toxicity of medications.


Take your medications exactly as directed by your healthcare providers. Do not change or stop your medications without talking to your providers.

Other medications

Drug-to-drug interactions are a concern. Some interactions may cause serious medical problems. Make sure that your doctor knows exactly what drug(s) you are taking. Include medicines you buy without a prescription and any dietary supplements such as vitamins, minerals and herbals. Use this form to write down what medications you are taking, the dosage, and when you take it.

Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 12/9/2021

Medication Diary (Pill Card) originally published by Vivacare