New! Chatbot for Medical Practice Websites

Vivacare now offers its medical practices with an AI-enabled chatbot as part of its premium service.patient education chatbot displayed on practice website

Display the patient education chatbot on your practice website to improve patient education and engagement

The be customized for your practice, answering questions only about your medical specialty and your own practice details

Sample Health Questions – “How do I take my inhaler?” “What is Mohs Surgery?” “How long will it take my acne to get better?”  “What are biologics?”  “Are there any treatments for Parkinson’s Disease?”

Sample Practice Questions – “Do you accept Medicare?” “Do you offer telehealth services?”  “Is Dr. Smith available in the Downtown location?” “Can I schedule an appointment online?”

See How it Works – Simply click on the “Ask a Question” button

Key Features

  • Specialty-specific – Your chatbot provides answers only to questions relevant to your specialty. For instance, the dermatology chatbot provides answers to questions about acne, but not epilepsy.
  • Trusted sources – Answers are generated by referencing ONLY established, patient-oriented resources, such as the CDC and NIH.
  • Customizable content – Add your own handouts for reference by your chatbot.
  • Free – The basic service is available in 15+ medical specialties for no cost.

How Does It Work? Easily

  • Enroll online to initiate a Basic account. You will receive a personalized Patient Education Toolkit with hundreds of patient education resources and a specialty-specific chatbot.
  • Contact Vivacare about upgrading to the Primmium Service and customizing the chatbot to meet your practice needs.
  • Within 1-2 business days, you will receive a customized chatbot for your review.
  • Vivacare provides you with options of displaying the chatbot on your practice website within an iFrame or as a pop-up as appears below with the “Ask a Question’ button.