American College of Surgeons Offers Vivacare Patient Education Service to ACS Members

Patient education titles from the American College of SurgeonsThe American College of Surgeons (ACS) has selected Vivacare for the digital distribution of its patient education resources at the point of care through Vivacare’s “Patient Education Toolkit” platform.

ACS members are provided the opportunity to create for their own personalized, patient-friendly website (a “Patient Education Toolkit”) that is loaded with in-depth patient education resources relevant to their surgical specialty. The Patient Education Toolkit enables patients to access surgical information from the source they trust most…their own surgeon.

Content is provided by the American College of Surgeons and other approved sources, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Types of content include:

  • Procedure Brochures (Appendectomy, Cholecystectomy, Hernia Repair)
  • Pre-Op Instructions (Colonoscopy Prep, Prepare for Colectomy)
  • Videos (Breast Cancer Surgery, Lung Operation)
  • Self-Care Guides (Central Lines, Feeding Tubes, Ostomy Care, Pain Management)

Surgical Patient Education Poster - Personalized

Key Features of the Toolkit include:

  • Patient-Friendly – Well-organized, searchable and mobile-friendly
  • Personalized – The Toolkit displays the surgeon’s name or organization logo
  • Customizable – Surgeons can add/remove titles from display and can publish their own content to their Toolkits.

The Toolkit is designed to help surgeons provide the resources their patients need to prepare for their appointments and better manage their recovery from home. Surgeon-recommended resources can be easily distribute to patients via:

The American College of Surgeons will be promoting the new digital patient education program to members at the upcoming 2022 Clinical Congress in San Diego.

View Sample Patient Education Toolkit

Learn More About the Digital Surgical Patient Education Program